7 Tips For Your Garland Home's AC
from Air Central HVAC

Our Tips For Your AC Home Maintenance in Garland, TX

February 24th, 2022

We all know how important our home’s AC units are here in Garland, especially during the height of summer when temperatures are consistently over 90 F. When you need AC replacement or repair, our cooling technicians are there to help, but there are some things you can do as a homeowner to prolong the life of your AC system. Here are some of our recommendations from Air Central HVAC.

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  • 1. Clean and or Replace Your Air Filters

    Replacing your air conditioner filters is often the first step we advise to homeowners who want to do some home maintenance on their units. During peak summer months here in Garland you may need to change your filters once a month to keep your AC running at peak capacity. This is because the AC systems run at full capacity in the high heat. Filters become full of dust, debris, and allergen particles, and this makes it harder for your AC to push air through the filter, it also creates a dirtier indoor air quality environment.

    Changing your air filter is relatively easy, you can find them inside the blower compartment or behind the air grille on your wall or ceiling. Of course, if you need help changing your filters we can gladly assist.

  • 2. Keep Your Outside AC Unit Clean and Clear

    Homeowners often forget to clean their units outside, and they can easily become covered by fallen leaves, grass clippings, twigs, dust and dirt. We recommend checking your units every week or so for debris build up and to hose or wipe down accordingly, also make sure your units aren’t becoming overgrown with plants.

  • 3. Check Your Outside Units Wiring and Components

    We do not expect, and do not recommend to our customers to take on wiring repair issues on their AC systems, definitely leave faulty wiring problems to our trained technicians. But, we do recommend checking the wiring visually about once a year, and if you find debris build up or pests those are good things to remove and clean. It's not unheard of to find ants, spiders or other small insects common in the Garland area within the units. If you notice signs of overheating such as melted components, or burned areas we recommend calling us for an AC checkup service.

  • 4. Check the Condenser Unit’s Fan

    Your AC systems condenser fans are crucial to your systems performance. If these fan blades are dirty, bent, broken or cracked your AC will not be operating properly. A few times a year we recommend turning off power to your AC and then giving your fan blades a visual inspection, if they are dirty and dust covered we'd recommend cleaning them, and if they are cracked or broken they will need to be replaced. If you’re not sure what blades are compatible with your system we’d be happy to help point you in the right direction.

  • 5. Perform A Thermostat Check

    This one is simple, if you haven’t checked your home’s thermostat recently, inspect it visually and operationally to make sure it’s in good shape. Change the batteries if they haven’t been changed in a while. If your thermostat is an older mechanical model, it might be time to upgrade to a smart thermostat, with a smart thermostat you’ll maximize your energy savings. We’d be happy to help recommend and install a new model for your home.

  • 6. Perform a Complete Visual Inspection of the AC System

    When you’re changing your AC filter, kill two birds with one stone by also checking the thermostat, outside unit, inside of the unit, registers and returns for signs of repair or maintenance issues. Things to look for are battery status on the thermostat, the draining of the condensate system, ensuring that the cabinet door is securely closed, making sure the flue system is securely attached and fully intact, checking registers and returns to see these are unblocked and open, checking for signs of mold, and making sure your outside unit is level.

  • 7. Schedule a Professional AC Routine Maintenance Visit With Us In Garland, TX

    Sometimes, you run into problems during your home AC inspections that are beyond the skills of a homeowner to solve. Our team of highly trained cooling technicians here in Garland are here to help with your AC maintenance and can assist with any questions you may have. As part of our pre-season preventative maintenance program you will receive a professional 20 point tune-up and system cleaning twice per year by our factory trained technicians. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your AC system is being kept in excellent shape. Interested in joining our maintenance program? Call today for more information.

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